[COMM 1020] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (22 pages long!)

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Web 3. 0 offers 3d images; even greater interaction. Campbell 193-223: movies and the impact of images: avatar (2009) first film to earn over billion, vital statistics: weekly attendance, 1946, 1976, 2012. Movie theatres are in trouble: history of industry, 1902-1903: edwin porter"s life of an american fireman and the great train robbery (first narrative movie) a. i. nickelodeons: first movie theatre (cost 1 nickel) a. i. 1. 1908:3,000 1910:10,000 1912: 14,000: 1915: dw griffith"s birth of nation most important silent film about racism & kkk b. i. Movies moved into fancy palaces", held 3,000 people: 1927: first talking movie, warner bros the jazz singer c. i. Individual stars changed vertical integration (same co. doing multiple parts of production: 1948: united states v paramount d. i. Stopped vertical integration (separated theatres & producers: modern film industry, production: a. i. Before wwii most production in studio, now it"s shot on location a. iii. 70% of all films made are independent: distribution: b. i.