CHEM 3A Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Carolyn R. Bertozzi, Conjugate Acid, Teratology

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8 Jan 2019

Document Summary

Print your full name_____________________________________________________ (last name, first name, middle) This exam has 15 pages; make sure that you have them all. We will only grade answers that are in the designated spaces; please do your scratch work on the last page or the backs of pages. Write only one answer to each problem; multiple answers will receive no credit, even if one of them is correct. Note: this examination runs for a total of 120 minutes. Please write legibly; ambiguous or illegible answers will receive no credit. Beh2 is electrophilic because the be atom has two empty p orbitals that are eager to react with electron pairs. In the box on the right, show the resonance structure generated by the movement of electrons indicated with the curved arrows on the left-hand structure. Be sure to show all bonds, lone pairs of electrons, and formal charges.