CHEM 3A Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Carolyn R. Bertozzi, Electrophile, Stereospecificity

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8 Jan 2019

Document Summary

Print your full name_____________________________________________________ (last name, first name, middle) This exam has 20 pages; make sure that you have them all. We will only grade answers that are in the designated spaces; please do your scratch work on the last page or the backs of pages. Write only one answer to each problem; multiple answers will receive no credit, even if one of them is correct. Note: this examination runs for a total of 120 minutes. Please write legibly; ambiguous or illegible answers will receive no credit. For each pair of reactions, circle the one that will proceed fastest and provide a brief explanation for your choice in the space below the pair. Your explanation must include the reaction type (i. e. , sn2, sn1, e1 or e2). Neopentyl electrophiles are more sterically encumbered than secondary electrophiles and are slower in sn2 reactions.