CHEM 3A Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Michael Chiang, Jenny Mccarthy, Bromine

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8 Jan 2019

Document Summary

This exam has 11 pages; make sure you have them all. Use as scratch paper, anything written on it will not be graded. Messy or ambiguous answers will not be graded. No clarifying questions will be answered by the gsi"s after the exam begins. If you are enrolled in chem 3bl, mark off your laboratory section. ___ 103 rob padilla (professor name ___________________________) Do not write in this box: __________________ (12, __________________ (27, __________________ (16, __________________ (18, __________________ (20, __________________ (24, __________________ (16, __________________ (15, __________________ (12) Determine if the following molecules are aromatic, anti-aromatic or non-aromatic. Assume that all of these compounds cannot bend out of planarity. Draw intermediate structures to help rationalize the substitution patterns observed for the following reactions. Provide the structures for the products for the following reactions. (18 pts) Only one of the following trienes will undergo electrocyclic ring closing reactions. Determine if heat or light is used to obtain the products specified.