PHYSICS 7A Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Friction

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8 Jan 2019

Document Summary

Physics 7a, spring 2012, sections 2 and 3, instructor: professor adrian lee. Show your reasoning carefully so that we can be sure that you derived the answer rather than guessing it or relying on memory; in addition, this enables us to give partial credit. You may use one double-sided 3. 5 x 5 index cards of notes. 1 solo game of catch [25 pts. total] You are playing catch with a rubber ball, by throwing it against a vertical wall a distance l away. You throw the ball with speed v0 at an angle such that it ies through the air, hits the wall and comes back to you without touching the ground. The wall is perfectly smooth and the collision perfectly elastic, so the the velocity component perpendicular to the wall is reversed, while the tangential component is una ected: make a sketch of the ball"s trajectory.