PSYCH 130 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Brief Psychotic Disorder, Dementia Praecox, Delusional Disorder

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Alogia refers to a significant reduction in the amount of speech. Anhedonia: a loss of interest in or a reported lessening of the experience of pleasure is called anhedonia. anticipatory pleasure refers to the amount of expected or anticipated pleasure from future events or activities. antipsychotic drugs. Asociality: some people with schizophrenia have severe impairments in social relationships, referred to as asociality. They may have few friends, poor social skills, and very little interest in being with other people. Delusions: beliefs contrary to reality and firmly held in spite of disconfirming evidence, dementia praecox, two european psychiatrists, emil kraepelin and eugen bleuler, initially formulated the concept of schizophrenia. For example, a woman may believe that she can cause the wind to change direction just by moving her hands. Hallucinations: the most dramatic distortions of perception are hallucinations sensory experiences in the absence of any relevant stimulation from the environment.