POLS 245 Study Guide - Final Guide: Restorative Justice, Misdemeanor, Respondeat Superior

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Below are some terms, cases, and questions that you can use to guide your studying for the exam. In addition to reviewing the following questions, i recommend reviewing course notes, readings, and journal questions. Note that the exam is cumulative, though you can expect more questions on the material we have covered since the midterm. The exam will consist of a written portion and about 30 multiple-choice questions. Questions will ask you to explain and analyze course concepts and to make connections among course material. I suggest thinking about the connections among the different texts and topics we have studied. I will give you a list of the readings we have studied for you to consult during the exam. Exemplary essays will be thorough, accurate, and clear. Be able to explain the perspectives of mlk and. 3: leads to consistency and legitimacy to the system, cases be familiar with each of the cases below.