BAET 20300 Study Guide - Final Guide: Legal Liability

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3 Apr 2017

Document Summary

Chapter 2: foundational principles: guiding principle 11: Business enterprises should respect human rights: guiding principle 12: Responsibility to respect human rights refers to internationally recognized human rights. Q1: what are human rights: people have a right to be treated with dignity; human rights are inherent, defined by international bill of human rights, defined for workers by international labour organization"s. Declaration on fundamental principles and rights at work. Q2: how are human rights relevant to states: they have a legal obligation to respect, protect and fulfil human rights. Q3: how are human rights relevant to businesses: legal liability. Q4: what additional human right standards may be relevant: the international convention on the elimination of all. Forms of racial discrimination: the convention on the elimination of all forms of. Discrimination against women: the convention of the rights of the child, the international convention on the protection of the. Rights of all migrant workers and members of their.