BUSML 4201 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Fallacy, Confirmation Bias, Overchoice

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General comments on exam: will be over all material covered since last exam (not cumulative, exam is worth 100 points. Things we spent a lot of time on in class and/or on group or individual assignments. Things in notes and not in readings. Key concepts from chapter 8 (5-step decision process: problem recognition and. Information search): 5-step decision process, extended problem solving vs. limited problem solving vs. Solving: problem recognition (actual vs. ideal state and need vs. opportunity recognition, determinants of how much/how long we search (e. g. , components of mao) Key concepts from chapters 9 and 10 (consumer decision making): evoked vs. Key concepts from lectures on context effects, situational influences, and. Implications of prospect theory identify examples of each: system 1 vs. system 2 thinking, know what the following heuristics/biases/effects are and be able to give an example of each: