BUSML 4201 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Classical Conditioning, Operant Conditioning, Cognitive Dissonance

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General comments on exam: will be over all material covered in class to date, exam is worth 100 points. Things we spent a lot of time on in class and/or on group or individual assignments. Things in notes and not in readings: we know elaboration enhances memory: think about the concepts how do they relate to each other, can you think of real world examples, etc. Key topics from chapter 1 (understanding consumer behavior): definition of consumer behavior. Types of acquisition, consumption, disposition: what is a consumer , what is an offering , what affects consumer behavior? (see text for discussion of the psychological core, the consumer"s culture, the process of making decisions, and consumer behavior outcomes). Key topics from enrichment chapter (developing information about consumer. Behavior): how to study consumer behavior, primary vs. secondary data, exploratory consumer research: depth interviews, focus groups, observational research, zmet, experiments and types of variables, 3 factors necessary for causation.