HUMNNTR 2210 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Nutrient Density, Energy Density, Myplate

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Define nutrition: nutrition is the science that links food to health and disease, includes ingestion, digestion and the use of nutrients. Six class of nutrients (will cover nutrient specifics as semester continues: carbohydrates, lipids, protein, vitamins, minerals, water. Appetite, hunger and satiety: appetite is the psychological desire to eat, hunger is the physiological desire to eat, satiety is the satisfaction after you eat and not wanting to eat anymore. Define essential nutrients: nutrients that are needed for biological function. Phytochemicals (basic definition and food group sources: chemicals found in plants (vegetables) that reduce the risk of cancer or cardiovascular disease. Proteins: 4 kcal/g: calculating calories from grams (done in class) Why is nutrition research important: so we are up to date on how nutrients may impact our bodies. How does the north american diet rate: obesity is a large problem, diet is. Healthy people 2020 overarching goals: make america skinny again. Benefits of a healthful diet (in general)