MGMT 301 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Transformational Leadership, Organizational Chart, Ken Blanchard

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5 Jul 2015

Document Summary

Anything composed of parts arranged together in some way: structure is everywhere; thon, cars, computers, buildings, penn. Chapter 8: organization structure & design: organization structure, they have clear culture and clear structure. Their strategy was to provide structure, off sight, staff meetings, quarterly objectives, For example linkedin: structural types, how business organizes. 2 c: staff vs. line, levels of management. Informal: departmentalization the process of grouping together people and jobs into work units, functional organize strictly around functions. What makes sense to go under each department: most common structure, you get economies of scale: when we scale up, we get bigger, and so can we get better deals, example: gulfstream"s organizational structure is functional. Each one has manufacturing, accounting, supply chain, etc: benefit is that you can respond quickly and effectively to changing market demands and customer tastes, geographical structures (or area structures) group together jobs and activates in the same location/region.