PSYCH 083S Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Rapid Eye Movement Sleep, Detection Theory, Pleasant Dreams

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17 Feb 2014

Document Summary

Pysch exam review 2: chapters 3,4, 5 and 6. Sensation: stimulation of sensory receptors and the transmission of sensory information to the central nervous system (spinal cord and brain) An active process in which sensations are organized and interpreted to form an inner representation of the world. Sensation is to reception as perception is to organization . Weakest/absolute threshold: the weakest level of a stimulus that is necessary to produce sensation. Ex: minimum brightness required to activate the visual. Difference threshold: minimum difference a person cannot detect. Ex: loud at home mom yells turn down a lil yells again . Signal detection theory: ability to detect psychological factors such as learning, motivation and psychological states. More than just your normal senses being applied. Sensory adaption: (sensitization vs desensitization) ex: old lady can never tell how strong her perfume is or when it fades away so she keeps reloading. Pupil: opening in iris sensitive to light and emotion.