CRS 183- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 25 pages long!)

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Itinerant teachers of philosophy and rhetoric in athens. 2. describe the sophists" view of: discourse- rules for making speeches in politics, education, knowledge- impossible to know the truth, human knowledge flawed, media- oratory a powerful tool in democratic practice, power- challenge to dominant order. Defence of helen of troy against claims she chose to abandon spart and was the cause. Was blamed because of the trojan war. 2. what does rhetoric mean to gorgias? (ie. the purpose of rhetoric, how to use rhetoric, etc) Believes you should be taught rhetoric but learn through experience. 3. what is plato"s view of rhetoric in gorgias ? why does he hold that view? (think of discourse, knowledge, media and power) Knowledge of rhetoric technique vs knowledge of subject matter. Non love doesn"t care, whatever, do your own thing. Non lover is virtuous and thinks about ethics, what"s good for someone, what are their.