ECO 211 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Openair, Costco, Barcode

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ECO 211 Full Course Notes
ECO 211 Full Course Notes
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Trade area = a geographic sector that contains potential customers for a particular retailer or shopping center. Freestanding site = retail locations for an individual, isolated store unconnected to other stores; however they might be near other freestanding stores or near a shopping center (ex: drugstore chains like cvs) Outparcels = freestanding stores that are not connected to other stores in a shopping center, but are located on the premises of a shopping center, typically in a parking area (ex: fast food restaurants and banks) Central business district (cbd) = the traditional downtown financial and business area in a city or town. Urban decay = the process of a previously functioning city, or part of a city, falling into disrepair. Main street = the traditional downtown shopping area in smaller towns and secondary shopping areas in large cities and their suburbs. Inner city = a low-income residential area within a large city.