[MIC 323] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (45 pages long)

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4: we are(cid:374)"t the first people to e(cid:454)a(cid:373)i(cid:374)e (cid:271)a(cid:272)teria for (cid:448)arious purposes, ants have cultivated bacteria to protect them, most antibiotics target one of these 3 things. 5 targeting cell wall: key part of peptidoglycan are these cross linkages, b lactam antibiotics target these cross linkages. Targets transpeptidase, a bacterial enzyme that cross-links the peptidoglycan chains to form rigid cell walls. Binds with ring into active site to stop it. Direct cell wall synthesis inhibitor: another thing is to cover the substrate of the enzyme and not go after transpeptidase. Vancomycin targets substrate of the enzyme transpeptidase by covering it up. Steric hindrance by depriving enzyme of its substrate = indirect. Needs to be high enough to kill microbe but not high enough to attack our enzymes. 8 protein synthesis inhibitors: our ribosomes are evolutionarily related to prokaryotic ones, dose important again to not attack our own ribosomes.