CMN 120 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Equity Theory, Extraversion And Introversion, Falsifiability

188 views7 pages
8 Mar 2017

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Reading questions: how is culture related to self-disclosure? (important findings) (cozby 1973) Americans disclose a lot about themselves and make friends easily. Ge(cid:396)(cid:373)a(cid:374)s do(cid:374)"t dis(cid:272)lose much about themselves to others. Hypothesis that germans would disclose more than americans to a close friend of the same/opp sex was not supported. Americans disclose a great deal about themselves & make friends easily, but do not develop highly intimate relationships. Germans don"t disclose much about themselves to others in general, but they do become quite intimate with a few others of either same/opposite sex wasn"t supported. Hypothesis that germans disclose more than americans to a close friend. How is personality related to self-disclosure? (important findings) (cozby. No real conclusive findings to link self-disclosure and personality. Possibility of positive correlation b/w extraversion and self-disclosure but still contradictory findings about this (pg 9) Use of jsdq as a factor in low correlations between disclosure & various personality traits.