CRM/LAW C163 Study Guide - Final Guide: Food Justice Movement, Urban Agriculture, Food Sovereignty

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Food security = people having access to nutritious food, that is helpful. Food sovereignty = sovereignty (ability to make choices); demands that individuals have a right to safe, nutritious and culturally acceptable food and a right to determine their own food systems. It seeks to connect consumers to producers through systems of rights based on mutual aid, rather than top-down aid. Sovereignty activists argue that without a shared political stake in the food system, both producers and consumers remain passive recipients of policy, aid and subsidy. Urban agriculture (gardens) are expected to promote food justice by allowing people in areas that may not have access to food by providing them access to fresh fruit and produce. Organizing food production on a community scale through urban agriculture (in response to loss of produce and consumer agency in the food system and alienation between producers and consumers) Promotes food justice by developing an alternative urban market apart from the monopolized agency.