SOC SCI 164B- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 76 pages long!)

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Keister stash gang members use this term which means hiding things in their rectum. Use mayonnaise or butter as lube to stick shanks (knives) up their ass. Generational gangs = same gang dad was in son is in, etc. The breeding ground for all gangs begins with an excluded group, who feel victimized by poverty, or the establishment, or some other type of injustice, whether real or imagined. It is fed by an anti-establishment culture of drugs, crime, hate and racial separatism sgt. All the street gangs were initially formed for protection. Poverty can cause people to get tunnel vision (begin to think choices are limited) The department of justice tells us that the more money people make and the higher educated people are and the whiter people are, the lower chances people have of being a perpetrator. Conversely, if you are young and a minority, you have a higher chance of being a perpetrator or being violated.