SOC SCI 1A Study Guide - Final Guide: Culture Shock, Affirmative Action, Linguistics

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Exam 3 will cover chapters 5, 6, 18, 22, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 42, and 54 of the test. This exam is scheduled for monday december 5, 2011 at the scheduled final exam time. It is the systematic study of the relationships among people and organizations: we look at the group and system; sociology never looks at biology, formal. Angry and vindictive : participant observation- cannot let the people know you are observing them, interview- very popular, intensive interview- relies on open-ended questions following by probing question sin a flexible format. Introduce yourself then ask some non-offensive background questions to relax the person. Simple back and forth helps to establish rapport. What is the gun culture in america: fearful, defensive, don"t talk to strangers , concern for safety. How did survey research begin: began with the industrial revolution in europe, examples: Karl marx- organizing principles; believed that workers needed to revolt to rearrange society.