KAAP309 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Taenia Coli, B Vitamins, Glycoprotein

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A limentary canal path through: mouth to anus, d iges ts food and abs orbs fragments, mouth, pharynx, es ophagus , s tomach, s mall intes tine, and large intes tine. A cces s ory organs off to the s ide helpers: t eeth, tongue, gallbladder, d iges tive glands, s alivary glands, l iver, p ancreas. D iges tion control mechanis ms try to control chemical environment in lumen to optimiz e abs orption. D iges tion is provoked by mechanical and chemical s timuli (s ens ors in walls ); s tretch, ph , os molarity which can caus e s ecretion and propuls ion via reflexes. C ontrol by local as well as remote reflexes. R es pond to s tretch, changes in os molarity and ph , and pres ence of s ubs trate and end products of diges tion. S timulate s mooth mus cle to mix and move lumen contents.