KAAP310- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 24 pages long!)

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Homeostatic imbalance: peritonitis = inflammation of peritoneum, causes: abdominal wound, ulcer, ruptured appendix, dangerous and lethal if widespread, treated w/ debris removal & antibiotics. Splanchnic circulation = arteries from abdominal aorta, capillaries in digestive organs, and hepatic portal circulation. Gets 25% of c. o. at rest; more after meal. Digestive processes in the mouth: propulsion: deglutition (swallowing) Ingestion, mechanical digestion (chewing), chemical digestion (starch sugar by salivary amylase: 1st voluntary (buccal phase, then involuntary (pharyngeal-esophageal phase) - mechanoreceptors stimulate reflex contractions of muscles around pharynx and esophagus. Stomach (50 ml empty, 4000 ml full; ph = 1. 5-3. 5: many internal folds (rugae) allow expansion, contraction, extra (oblique, diagonal) muscle layer aids food grinding, empties at pylorus into small intestine. Intestinal juice: 1-2 liter/day, mostly water, slightly basic (ph 7. 4-7. 8), not many enzymes. Homeostatic imbalance: chemotherapy kills rapidly dividing cells, esp gi tract epithelium which causes the nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.