SOC 1300 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Antipositivism, Data Analysis, Social Network

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Social network: the ties between people, groups, and organizations, work. Society: a large group of people who live in the same area and participate in a common culture. Sociology: the study of societies and the social worlds that individuals inhabits within them, analyzing the patterns that lies between the social world and individual"s lives. Globalization: the increase flow of goods, money, ideas, and people across the national borders to think hard about how and why the world is the way it is and how can you can navigate its challenges. Sociological imagination: the capacity to think systematically about how many things we experience as personal problems, the social issues that are widely shared by others. Stereotypes : the beliefs about members of a group that are usually false, or at least exaggerated, but are at the bases of assumption made about individual member of the group.