BIOLCHEM 415 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Flavin Mononucleotide, Schiff Base, Pentose Phosphate Pathway

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Glycogen is a series of linked glucoses, mostly alpha 1-4 linkages. One in every 10 has an alpha 1-6 linkage and that one also has a chain. Only diff between glycogen and starch is degree of cross-linking, starch has less cross-linking. Adipose tissue has most energy cause has most reduced carbons, and cause stored in anhydrous nature (pure fat without water). Also can break down muscle protein in gluconeogenesis. Main role for glycogen: liver uses glycogen to provide glucose for the brain. Muscle the glycogen is used as energy reserve for very rapid motion of muscles. Exocrine makes digestive enzymes, go through ducts directly targeted to gut not bloodstream. Endocrine secreted out into general circulation and bloodstream. Most important is muscle and adipose tissue cause they"re the cells that take up blood glucose. Muscle uses it to make glycogen to store. Glycolysis very insufficient, doesn"t require oxygen, but happens very quickly.