[HUMANDEV 270] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 37 pages long Study Guide!

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Early childhood (2-3 years to 5-6 years) Middle childhood (5-6 years to 12 years) Young adulthood (18-21 years to 40 years) Wrote origins of the species through natural selection (1859) Published work in 1866, invisible factors now called genes. International scientific research project w goal of determining sequence of chemical bases that make up human dna. Future: cut birth defects by 50%, extended lifespan by 5 yrs, increase food production by. Future: by 2034, you"ll be able to choose the characteristics of your children. Married martha bernays in 1886, had 6 children, martha"s sis minna came to live with them. Developed dree association, transference, oedipal complex, infantile sexuality, dreams, symptom formation, regression, unconscious. Psychoanalysis: human nature is motivated by innate biological and inner dynamics. Id: primitive, hedonistic component of personality, present at birth. Ego: the conscious, reality oriented component of personality. Superego: includes the ego ideal, conscious plus morality principle.