NURSING 210 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Child Neglect, Child Abuse, Prosocial Behavior

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15 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Notes: there may be items on the exam that are not included in the study guide. If the topic is not in the book, it will not be included on the exam (e. g. , my research). The role temperament plays in the emotional development of infants and toddlers: what parents can do to ensure that their infant develops a trusting orientation to the world and a strong attachment to them. If fathers can be good mothers for their children: how other caregivers, including family members other than the parents as well as child care workers, influence development in infancy and toddlerhood. The special challenges that are faced by the caregivers of infants and toddlers with special needs: how child abuse or neglect influences development and autonomy. Attachment: studying infant and toddler attachment, ainsworth"s strange situation test assesses the quality of the infant"s attachment to the caregiver. The mother leaves her infant in a room with a stranger and several toys.