NURSING 210 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Language Acquisition Device, Infant Mortality, Visual Acuity

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15 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Chapter four - infancy and toddlerhood: physical, cognitive, & language. Heavily influenced by culture: for most babies in western, industrialized countries, some solid foods are introduced, malnutrition becomes an issue because protein amounts are usually decreased. Sensory and perceptual development: sensation the translation of external stimuli into neural impulses by a sense organ, perception the complex, active process by which the mind interprets and gives meaning to sensory information. Around 2 months they begin to scan internal features: newborns are especially attentive to pictures of human faces and show a. 3. strong preference for their mothers" face as young as 2 weeks. Infants as young as 6 months have difficulty distinguishing faces of other racial groups. They enable people to connect what they observe to their own actions and therefore help explain how imitative learning occurs: mirror neurons may also help explain language comprehension and empathy.