NURSING 210 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Prosocial Behavior, Gender Role, Gender Identity

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15 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Notes: there may be items on the exam that are not included in the study guide. If the topic is not in the book, it will not be included on the exam (e. g. , my research). Learning objectives: what distinguishes fear from anxiety and how young children learn to manage those emotions, why learning to control emotions is such an important developmental event in early childhood. If tv shows, movies, and other media have a negative or positive impact on the development of today"s generation of young children. The developmental progression of prosocial behavior during early childhood: how children resolve the developmental conflict between initiative and guilt. The developmental functions of play and how peer interactions impact social competence: how preschoolers acquire an understanding of rules and concepts, how children come to understand the concept of gender. The parenting styles that lead to the healthiest adjustment for children.