PSY 280 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Stroop Effect, Saccade, Neurology

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Quiz chapter 3: imagine that you are listening to a friend complaining about a course assignment, but you are simultaneously trying to read the newspaper. Answer: divided attention: shawn claims that he multitasks very effectively, and also says that he actually performs better while multitasking than when doing a single task. Shawn reads a newspaper article while listening to a baseball game, and then reads another article in silence. Based on research on multitasking, when you time shawn"s reading speed and test his comprehension, you are likely to find that his reading is: Answer: both slower and less accurate when listening to the game: suppose that you are sitting in a classroom, trying to follow your professor"s lecture while trying to ignore a loud conversation out in the hallway. Answer: a dichotic listening task: suppose that some students are participating in a dichotic listening task.