PSY-2150 Midterm: Terms Study Guide

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Situational variable--characteristic that differs across environments or stimuli. Sampling frame--a list from which a sample will be selected: population--all cases of interest to us, representative sample--reflects important characteristics of population, nonrepresentative sample--does not, response rate--those who participate divided by all those selected. Simple random sample--all in sampling frame have equal probability to participate. Stratified random sampling--a sampling frame is divided into groups and then within each group, random sampling is used to select the members of the sample: cluster sampling--units that contain members of the population are identified. Snowball sampling--people contacted to participate in a survey are asked to recruit or provide contact information for other people who meet the criteria for survey inclusion. Words to describe measurement: measurement accuracy, reliability, and validity, accuracy--represents the degree to which the measure yields results that agree with a known standard. Split-half reliability--examines how strongly scores on two halves of a test correlate.