PSY-2150 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Operational Definition, Observational Error, Criterion Validity

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Accuracy - the degree to which the measure yields results that agree with a known standard. Construct underlying hypothetical characteristics or processes that are not directly observed but instead are inferred from measureable behaviors or outcomes. Construct validity - when a measure truly assesses the construct that it is claimed to assess. Content validity represents the degree to which the items on a measure adequately represent the entire range or set of items that could have been appropriately included. Continuous variable between any two adjacent scale values, further intermediate values are still possible (e. g. , 8 degrees, 8. 6 degrees, etc. ) Criterion validity the ability of a measure to predict an outcome. Dependent variable the presumed effect in a cause-effect relation between two variables; in an experiment, it is the behavior or outcome that the researcher measures to determine whether the independent variable has produced an effect.