ESH120 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Natural Number, 5,6,7,8, Mushy Peas

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Your% Role% as%a%Teacher:
This%week% is%the%starting% of%a% series% of%short%lectures% about% the% fundamentals % of mathematics.%
Fundamentals% of Mathematics-Features% of%our%Number% System:
The$ Role$ of$a$Teacher$Includes $Things $s uch$as:
-To%teach% reading,% writing% and% arithmetic%
-To%prepare% students %for%future%employment
-To%encourage% students%to%think%independently
-To%prepare% students%to%be%citiz ens% of%our%society
-To%teaching% values % such%as%honesty%and% fairness
The% Melbourne% Declaration%states%that%one%of%the%goals%of%education%is%that%all%young%Australians%will%become% active% and%
informed% citizens.% As%a% teacher% you%will% need% to%show% your%students%how% you%are% an% active% and%informed% citizen% yourself.%
One%way% do%to%this%is%to%help%your%students%to%think%about% what%they%see% in%here.% In%this%unit%we% will% look%at% how%numbers%
are% used% in%the% media.
Notes%from% Your%Role%as%a%Teacher% Lecture
Critical%numeracy% is%used%to%analyse% the%credibility%of%mathematical% concepts%in%everyday% contexts;%such%as%media%articles.
Framework$ for$critical$ numeracy$(Utas$Jane$Wats on)
Identify% the% mathematical% terminology in%the% article
Determine% the%meaning% of%the%mathematical% terminology in%the% context% of%the%article
Critique%the%article.% What%information%do%you%need%to%know%before% you%can%make%a%judgement% of%the%credibility% of%the%
Step% 1.%
Percentage,% rate,% risk,,,% time,%number%of,%more%likely,% etc.%e.g.% Rate% of%60%beats%per%minute
Step% 2.%
Forming% a% sentence% from%step% 1
Step% 3.%
Notes%from% Critical%Numeracy% Lecture
-Are% you%able% to%model% to%your% students%how%to%be% thoughtful%about% what% they% read% and% see?
ACardinal%number%refers%to%quantity.%For%example: 1,%2,%3%etc.
Nominal%numbers%are% numeric% codes,%meaning% numerals% used%for%identification% only.% The% numerical% value% is%irrelevant% as %
they% do%not%indicate%quantity,% rank,%or%any%other%measurement.% For%example:% Number% 103%bus.
Ordinal%numbers% define% the% position%of%something%in%a%series.% For%example:% 1st,%2nd,%3rd%etc.
The$ Place$Value$ Sys tem
The% place% value% sys tem% is%made% of%only%ten% numbers:% 0,% 1 ,%2,%3,%4,%5,% 6,%7,%8,%9 .%Place% value is%the% basis%of%our%entire% number%
system.% The place% value%system is%one%in% which%the% position%of%a%digit% in%a% number% determines% its value.% In% the%
standard system,% called% base% ten,% each place represents% ten% times% the value of%the place to% its%right-for%example:% 472%is%4%
*pleas e% remember% that%z ero% is %a%number,% it's%not%nothing.% %For% example:% on%a% thermometer% it% s ignifies%degree.
Natural%numbers%are% whole% numbers.% For%example:% 1,%2,%3%etc.
Integers% are% a%whole number that%can% be%positive,% negative,% or%zero.%For%example:% -3,%-2,%-1,%0,%1,%2,%3%etc.
Rational%numbers%are% any numbers%that%can%be%expressed%as%'a%over%b'%(a/b)%using%integers.% For%example:% 1/3,%2/7,%111/343%
etc.% Any% two% integers% over% each% other% is %a%rational% number.% (they% are% fractions )
All% the% rational% and%irrational% numbers% are% included%in%real% numbers.
Irrational% numbers
Irrational% numbers% cannot%be% expressed% in%the% form% a/b.% For% example:% pi%and%the% square% root.
What$is$the$Largest$ Number?
There% isn't%one-infinity% is%a%concept% not%a% number.
Notes%from% An%Introduction%to%Numbers%Lecture
-As%the% authors%of%The% Tiger% pointed% out,%something% needs% to% be%defined% before% it%is%counted.% This%is%not%always% a%simple,%
which% is%why%the% authors% refer% to%"mushy%peas".
-Why%did%the%authors% of%The% Tiger% say%we% count%like%we% are% counting%"mushy%peas"?
We% sometimes% have% to%'mush'%numbers%together% to%make% things%fit.%E.g.% What%do%we% want% to%count?%Sheep.% How%many% are%
there?% Three.% But% one%is%a% lamb% and%does%that%still%count%as%a%sheep% and%one% is%pregnant% so%does%that%count%as%two% sheep?
Simplify% numbers% and%they% become% clear;% clarify% numbers% and% you%stand%apart% with% rare% authority.% So% simply%ask:% "Is%that% a%
big%number?"%E.g.% 1%in%5%men%aged% 65%will%die%before% aging%67-is%that%a% big% number?% Yes,% it% would%be% a% catastrophic% number%
to%die% within% two% years.%E.g.% The% government% spending%300million% over%5%years% to%create% a% million% new%childcare% places-is%
that%a%big%number?%Share% it%out%and% it%equals%300%dollars%per% place,%divided% by% 5%and%its%60%dollars%a% year,% spread% across%52
weeks% per% year% and%that% is%1.15%dollars %per% week% its%not%a% big% number.
Notes%from% 'The%Tiger% That% Isn't':%%Chapter% 1%and%2%
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Document Summary

Your role as a teacher: https://www. youtube. com /watch?v =rzqctuhhhtm#action=share https://www. youtube. com /watch?v =gniw yks ikti#action=share. Critical numeracy: https://www. youtube. com /watch?v =zi7jdwb71tk #action =shar e. This week is the starting of a series of short lectures about the fundamentals of mathematics. Fundamentals of mathematics- features of our number system: https://www. youtube. com /watch?v =gq2jr ajhdte#action =shar e. Notes from your role as a teacher lecture. The role of a teacher includes things such as: To prepare students to be citizens of our society. To teaching values such as honesty and fairness. The melbourne declaration states that one of the goals of education is that all young australians will become active and informed citizens. As a teacher you will need to show your students how you are an active and informed citizen yourself. One way do to this is to help your students to think about what they see in here. In this unit we will look at how numbers are used in the media.

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