KINESIOL 2G03 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Adrenocorticotropic Hormone, T Helper Cell, Pattern Recognition Receptor

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Which of the following would be most affected by amygdala lobectomy: social withdrawal and conditioned fear response, hpa stress response and conditioned fear response, sam stress response and the conditioned fear response, hpa stress response and social withdrawal. All of these would be affected by an amygdala lobectomy. Hpa axis and sam response can be activated by other things like lc releasing ne, which can still work without the amygdala present. Social withdrawal and conditioned fear cannot work without the amygdala since it"s responsible for emotional regulation. With social withdrawal it"s a sickness syndrome. Cytokines interact with amygdala to heighten response to socially withdrawal when you"re sick. Removed amygdala with animals kept them from having a fear response at all. Amygdala can activate hypothalamus but it"s not necessary hypothalamus can be activated through another source. Amygdala is active whenever there is fear in the environment; sensitive to emotional things in the environment in particular fear.