SOCPSY 1Z03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Social Loafing, Isomorphism, Steven Pinker

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Document Summary

Social psychology - the study of nature and causes of human social behaviour. Psychology - study of individual behaviour and social stimuli. Sociology - study of relationships between individuals and larger social institutions and examples how they affect the individual. Role theory a consistent set of duties a person performs categorizes them into a role to change a behaviour, you must redefine the role limitation: doesn"t explain deviant behaviour. Reinforcement theory social behaviour is the effect of external effects the introduction or removal of reinforcers (stimuli) governs behaviour limitations: doesn"t account for creativity, doesn"t explain altruism (selflessness) Cognitive theory cognitive processes (perception, memory, judgement) intervene between external stimuli and behavioural responses to make informed decisions limitations: simplifies the human mind, cognitive activity can"t be directly observed. Symbolic interactionism social order is a result of symbolic communication negotiating meanings through consensual ideas limitations: overemphasis on rational thought, ignores emotional responses and conflict.