[Pathology 3245B] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (47 pages long)

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Study guide: diseases of urinary tract & kidney - armstrong. Elimination of toxins, drugs, metabolic waste: maintains electrolytes (salt balance), water balance, blood ph. Regulate vitamin d activity by activating vitamin d (essential for formation of bones & balance of calcium) Note: kidney does not make vitamin d, only activates it. Stimulate rbc production at the bone marrow (erythropoietin) 25% of cardiac output is at the kidneys. Kidneys maintain homeostasis & regulation in addition to filtering fluids. Concentration occurs in the medulla of the kidney. Renal pyramids dump out fully processed urine to the renal pelvis urinary tract. All located in cortex of kidney: glomerulus = functional filtration unit; spaghetti coils of capillaries. Coils of (cid:272)apillaries are surrou(cid:374)ded (cid:271)(cid:455) a (cid:272)apsule of epitheliu(cid:373) (cid:894)bo(cid:449)(cid:373)a(cid:374)"s capsule), which collect filtrate. Podocytes cells which have little projections/feet and wrap around the capillaries while forming little slits in-between (called slit processes) Lining of endothelium is fenestrated (part of the filter)