GEOM20013 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Gradient Descent, Evolutionary Algorithm, Reinforcement Learning
Document Summary
Lecture - decision support and some gis application examples. To present you with adequate information to help you make decisions better than computers. Analog a scale physical representation of some aspect of reality. Digital model statement/data representation about how the world looks and works. Digital model about the elements and processes of the earth"s systems. A static approach, at one point in time or an average over time. The search for patterns or anomalies, leading to new ideas and hypotheses, and perhaps predictions. Manipulations of data to reveal what would otherwise be invisible. Multiple stages, perhaps representing different points in time. Implementing ideas and hypotheses about the behaviour of the real world. Analysis is process of resolving and separating the real world system into its parts. Synthesis is the process to putting the general principles together. To form a replica that exhibits behaviour similar to that of the reference system.