ACCT1501 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Historical Cost, Financial Statement, Income Statement

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15 May 2018
ACCT1501 Kristy
Chapter 6 Financial Reporting Principles, Accounting Standards and Auditing
- GAAP: Generally Accepted Accounting Principles: rules, standards and usual practices that companies are
expected to follow when preparing financial statements
o Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB)- jurisdiction based
o Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements
Objectives of financial reports
Financial position, performance, CF
Assumptions underlying financial reports
Accrual, going concern (liquidation value- how we value items in b/s)
Qualitative characteristics of financial information
Fundamental: Relevance (predictions, confirmation) + faithful representation
(complete, neutral, free from error) Enhancing: comparability, verifiability,
timeliness, understandability
Trade off: faithful rep vs. relevance (time) e.g ADD
Definition of elements of financial statements
b/s (position): assets (defn, recog), liabilities, equity
income statement (performance): income (rev, gains from other), expenses (asset
outflow/depletion, incurrence of liabilities)
statement of changes in equity
statement of CF
Recognition and measurement of those elements
b/s valuation: historical cost (original acquisition cost (inventory)), price level
adjusted historical cost (adjusted for PP)
current/market cost (current acquisition- input (replacement cost)/output (net
realisable) market value, fair value)
realisable value (selling (acc rec)), present value (discounted- value in use),
liquidation value
o Accounting Guidance Releases AGB
o Urgent Issues Group statements (UIG)
o Corporations Law
o ASX listing requirements
- Accounting regulation: Fed gov: ASIC (corp act 01, regulate AUSan companies, financial markets, financial
services organisations and professionals)- consumer credit/markets/financial services regulator
o FRC (overseeing accounting and auditing standard-settling process in the private and public sector
Helps users understand what return shareholders get on their equity (ROE) which indicates
how efficiently and effectively the organisation has used its resources + info de variability of
this return and its components helps asses fut CF
Ensuring financial reporting quality
- Corporate governance: preparation, approval, assurance
- Hierarchy of a corporation
o Agency theory: Principal and agent relationship (different interests)
- Financial reporting process
o mgmt., board, external auditors
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ACCT1501 Kristy
- EXAM QU: defn of audit/key role of auditors
- Auditors should provide an independent, unbiased and professional opinion on whether the financial
statements: provide true and fair view, in accordance w Corporation Act 2001, complies w GAAP and other
professional mandatory reporting requirements
- Independence:
o Types of opinions of auditors (in annual report statement from auditors)
Unmodified/unqualified opinion
Qualified opinion: specified part contains material misstatement (valuation)- only one area
incorrect ‘except for’
Adverse opinion: misstatements are so pervasive that statements don’t present true/fair view
(signal fraud/corruption)
Disclaimer: due to limitations- inadequate evidence
- (lmao not important) Professional ethics: APES 110
o integrity, objectivity, professional competence and due care, confidentiality, professional behaviour
o threats to independence: self-interest (financial interest), self-review (audit work you’ve previously
done/design system), advocacy (promoting company), familiarity (personal/LT sympathetic- audit
partners/firms rotate periodically), intimidation
o safeguards to eliminate/reduce threats to an acceptable level are developed by: profession, legislation,
in the work environment
5-10 mark exam question w ethics
- ethics
- objectivity, professional behaviour, professional competence and due care, integrity, confidentiality
- self interest threat, self review threat
Capital markets
- the way securities are traded and security prices are established
- role of information (acct reports) in cap market
o no information based trading (liquidity trading)
o general information-based trading
o specific information-based trading
- return and risk (systematic+un risk)
- markets are ‘aggregates’ (portfolio)
- market informational efficiency: efficient market hypothesis (fair value)
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Document Summary

Chapter 6 financial reporting principles, accounting standards and auditing. Accounting regulation: fed gov: asic (corp act 01, regulate ausan companies, financial markets, financial services organisations and professionals)- consumer credit/markets/financial services regulator: frc (overseeing accounting and auditing standard-settling process in the private and public sector. Aasb/auasb: helps users understand what return shareholders get on their equity (roe) which indicates how efficiently and effectively the organisation has used its resources + info de variability of this return and its components helps asses fut cf. Hierarchy of a corporation: agency theory: principal and agent relationship (different interests) Financial reporting process: mgmt. , board, external auditors. Exam qu: defn of audit/key role of auditors. Auditors should provide an independent, unbiased and professional opinion on whether the financial statements: provide true and fair view, in accordance w corporation act 2001, complies w gaap and other professional mandatory reporting requirements.

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