BIO153H5 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Sickle-Cell Disease, Excavata, Proteobacteria

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Biology Lecture 6
Endosymbiotic Hypothesis: The Mitochondrion
2 cells came in contact (eukaryotic and prokaryotic)
Amoeba ate more than it could digest, lived within the host.
More energy bc they replicate fast, binary fission
Excess energy Diffuse into the cytoplasm
Proteobacteria: rod shaped, no internal structure
Primary Symbiosis
Protista and eukaryotic relationship
o Girardia intestinalis
Protests help reduce the CO2 conc in the atmosphere
Imp relationships
The origin of chromaveolates
o Secondary Symbiosis
Complex Life Cycle
o Sickle Cell Anemia
o More people more contact
o Malaria: plasmofium lives in mosquitoes ad humans
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