BIO205H5 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Common Starling

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28 Sep 2016

Document Summary

Marine birds: have a birds have longer lifespan, special diving legs for swimming. Members of the same species in the same geographical area at the same time: implies that they can interbreed. Measuring population basic: population size (how big are they?) We can look at migration patterns, death rate, birth rate etc. How population interacts with abiotic and biotic environment. We can tag number of individuals in a population (m) and let them go. Tags aren"t effecting the behavior of the individuals. Give individuals enough time to move around so that we are not capturing the same individuals again. Make sure the environment is relatively unchanged from first to the second sample. Ecological niche: all the abiotic conditions (temperature etc. ) that the populations can live in, birds: cold water; Bio205 lecture 7: we can define the limits of populations geographically.