BIO210Y5 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Physiology, Abdominopelvic Cavity, Optical Microscope

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29 Jan 2021

Document Summary

Anatomy a cutting open is the study of internal and external structures and the physical relationships among body parts. Gross anatomy or macroscopic anatomy is the study of large structures and features visible with unaided eye. Microscopic anatomy deals with structures that cannot be seen without magnification, therefore the equipment establishes the boundaries. Light microscope - basic details of cell structure. Physiology is the study of how living organisms perform their vital functions. Animal physiology focuses on the function of the tissues, organs, and organ systems of multicellular animals. Homeostasis is the integrative action of the systems of an organism that result in the maintenance of a stable internal environment despite variations in the external conditions. Homeostatic regulation is the adjustment of physiological systems to preserve homeostasis. Feedback occurs when receptor stimulation triggers a response that changes the environment at the receptor. Negative feedback is the primary mechanism of homeostatic regulation.