HIS261H5 Lecture Notes - Central Canada, Transcanada Pipeline
Document Summary
Process of returning canada back from war to peace. First task was to bring back all the service personal from overseas (300,000 of them) Government was committed to provided benefits to all service personals. Process of demobilization was a disaster after world war 1, so made sure to do better after second war. This began in 1943, created national veterans affair. Cash benefits based on the amount of years you"ve served. Free university tuition for the number of years you have served. Free tuition made a mass change in university enrollments. Government made the war time housing, and still stayed in managing the housing. Also decided to stay in the grain marketing (setting pricing, etc) Government didn"t really tax before world war 2. Ottawa collected all the taxes and then distributed in the world effort. Government continued to keep taxations and said they" d distribute it amongst provinces. Federal government would be the only taxation government.