SOC211H5 Lecture Notes - Talcott Parsons, Anomie, Structural Functionalism

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Existence of society (agil: adaptation - to situational exigency (environmental change, war, famine, goal attainment - must attain it"s collective goal (population increases, health) Integration - must regulate interactions (institutional, individual) latency - maintain/renew cultural beliefs. Society: system of interrelated organs (institutions) key institutions, economy, polity, family, education, religion. Institutions: hierarchy- ordered system of, roles, rewards, expectations. Institutions contribute to and compliment each other: key institutions are made up of smaller parts, ultimate result, existence of society (agil) Family: at the core of all civilizations, sexual regulation, mating and procreation, production of future members, socialization, a) behavioural codes, b) cultural expectations, respect for authority, marriage etc. Education: knowledge necessary to preform in economic area, converting children into citizens, care about collective goals and ideals. Leadership: too many pestered make a society fall apart, protection. Institutional integration: a) indicating institutional boundaries, b) indicating individual boundaries, result, optimal functional performance.