CHEM 102 Lecture Notes - Lecture 22: Chemical Substance, Hydrolysis, Enantiomer

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Biochemistry is the study of the chemical substances found in living organisms and the chemical interactions of these substances with each other: a biochemical substance is a chemical substance found within a living organism o. Bioorganic substances: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. Most of the matter in plants, except water, is carbohydrate material. Carbohydrates account for 75% of dry plant material and are produced by photosynthesis. Photosynthesis: a process in which plants produce carbohydrates using carbon dioxide, water, and solar energy o o. Functions of carbohydrates in the human body. Carbohydrate storage, in the form of glycogen, provides a short term energy reserve. Carbohydrates supply carbon atoms for the synthesis of other biochemical substances. Carbohydrates form part of the structural framework of dna and rna molecules. Carbohydrates linked to lipids are structural components of cell membranes. Carbohydrates linked to proteins function in a variety of cell-cell and cell-molecule o o o o recognition processes.