CHEM 001 Lecture Notes - Lecture 26: Intermolecular Force, Exothermic Process, Solution

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If the solution is not ideal, the intermolecular forces between molecules will be. Whereas with nonvolatile and volatile solutes in ideal solutions, it was a simple the added solute shit takes up space and doesn"t evaporate, or it does, here, the added solutes alter the energies of the original molecules themselves. Because this means either less or more energy will be needed by the molecules to break free into the gaseous phase, causing huge deviations from what raoult"s law predicted. Nonvolatile solutes, ideal solutions: if 97% of the solution is solvent, then the vapor pressure will be 97% of the vapor pressure of the pure solvent. Volatile solutes, ideal solutions: if 97% of the solution is solvent, then vapor pressure will be 97% of the vapor pressure of the pure solvent plus 3% of the vapor pressure of the pure solute. Fewer bonds are able to break free from the surface.