BIO 126 Lecture Notes - Lecture 8: Acid Rain, Primary Succession, Life Table

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Population: same species, interbreeding, same place, same time o o o. Ex: water lilies in a lake vs. humans in nyc are not part of same population. Population ecology: factors affecting population and now these factors change over time and space - dynamics and how math comes into play o. Range: associated with genetic flow - geographic ranges are usually limited one way or another. Physical barriers: ex pupfish lives in a single spring in south nevada. Adaptations/climate/environment: polar bears can"t swim to the tropics because they"re not adapted to do so. Demography: study of demographics (births, deaths, changes in populations over time) - takes into account birth rates, death rates, age distribution, size population o. Remember to look at net distribution and overall effect because it can tell a different story than originally looking at. Ecology of populations: split into categories of: dynamics: changes over time from birth, death, and movement/migration o.