MATH-M 212 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: English Units

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25 Aug 2016

Document Summary

Force- push/pull; changes state of rest or motion on a body. Newton"s second law of motion: in calculus, or, if force constant, acceleration also constant. Work done by a force when it moves an object o: keep problems simple- do not overthink. Units very important: will not be asked to convert between systems, metric units. If mass is in , distance in , time is in , then is in. Acceleration of gravity = is in or: english units. Pounds are a force- gravity included is in: density of water: Graph of constant force (using above example) o: work = area under curve of force vs. distance graph. A cylindrical water tank has a radius of 3 m and height of 10 m. its mass when empty is. Find the work required to lift the tank 6 m off the ground when it is full of water. o o o o o o o o.