PHYS 2001 Lecture : Lecture 4

12 views8 pages
15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Example: you are driving along in the country at 90 km/hr, when you suddenly notice a cow in the road 30 m ahead. You attempt to stop the car by pressing on th b k the brakes, but the distance is too short. Assume your reaction time is 0. 75 s and that the deceleration of your car is. 7. 84 m/s2 when the brakes are applied. h t with h t t th di t hit th it d th t i l a. You have a reaction time of 0. 75 s, so the car moves closer to the cow by an amount: This only leaves: 30 m 18. 75 m = 11. 25 m of distance left to the cow. We know a, we know x, and we know vo. We all know that if you are standing on the earth"s surface holding some object, and you release it, it falls to the ground. g g y.