BIO 201 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Antirrhinum, Mitosis, Phenotype

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Bad efects (deleterious) are not seen because those people usually die/have low survival. Deleterious mutaions are usually quickly eliminated from the populaion. Unless they"re recessive, then they may increase to a low frequency by chance (or because in a past environment, they were advantageous) So when we sample a populaion, we don"t ind them. If they have no efect (neutral) or have beneicial efects, they may survive but are sill usually lost by geneic drit. H1n1 inluenza virus that was the target of the recent lu vaccine. The spikes represent viral surface proteins; whose rapid evoluion allows lu viruses to escape the host"s immune system. Flu virus have an rna genome encoding 11 proteins. Many diferent strains exist in the human populaion any given year. Only a few survive to yield infecious virus the next year. Strains with the most changes in surface proteins tend to be the best survivors.