BIO 358 Lecture Notes - Lecture 10: Heterosis, African Bee, Matrilocal Residence

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Topic: the human village and life history redesign. Brain expansion occurs following the evolution of elite throwing provided you expect brain expansion is effect of human cooperation. Human village and life history evolution umbrella term for human population cooperating including non kin. First animals for which inequality has right sign. Inexpensive coercion- capacity to manage non kin conflicts of interest- straightforward prediction. Should be planet"s first kinship independent social breeder- kinship independent social. Takes a village to raise a human child. Slide 5 throwing, producing expanded social kinship independent cooperation, producing human brain expansion. The world of mating and child-rearing in non human animals. Many animals breed as isolated individuals- each female and male have territory and get together to mate- female raises offspring alone. Matrilocal- females stay in the group, males born in the group move onto neighboring groups when they become adults. Adaptation is necessary to avoid inbreeding- mating with close kin cause undesirable traits.