CHEM 1031 Lecture 24: 10/31/2016 Quantum Mechanics; QUantum Numbers; Shape of Orbitals

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6. 3 development of quantum theory: behavior in the microscopic world, microscopic world and macroscopic world are hella different, louis de broglie"s (pro. Duh-brey) hypothesis: if electromagnetic radiation behaves as particles (photons), can electron etc. act like waves: de broglie wavelength, different than regular waves. Be brolige"s hypothesis was that the discrete number of wavelengths could fit with a specific orbit: note that mass * velocity= momentum, c. j. A complex number used to describe systems behaviors, provide a numerical description of a relationship. Principle quantum number estimates energy (in atom with one electron: angular momentum number (l, lowercase l): integer that defines the shape of the orbital, l n-1, subshell: orbitals with the same l value. 5, h-orbitals, 22: energy level (shell, number shell, subshells, total electrons. The z-value (remember x, y, z values form a three-dimensional plot) can have multiple values. The wavelength of regular sized objects is significantly smaller than the object.